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About Warrior-X PT










Thank you for visiting!


My name is Ed Meek - founder of Warrior-X PT.  I absolutely love training and have always loved helping others. Like you, I also want to be as functional and as healthy as I can be. I'm certified through National Academy of Sports Medicine CPT, CSNC.


Having had many labor intensive jobs, from being a combat veteran to diving and tending offshore, I couldn't be certain of survival without an intrinsic value being placed on my physical abilities — training to increase my abilities probably has saved my life several times, and training was one thing that I could and still can do that’s in my control. I believe in promoting such things as increasing strength, weight-loss, and in some cases, weight gain - all of which can help you live a longer life, be more formidable to threats, and for emergent situations, plus it's a lot to have “more in the tank” to deal with everyday life. 


Over the years, I’ve phased-in and out of various genres of training, from bodybuilding, powerlifting, rucking, MMA and running. Each of these have a distinct emphasis from one another, and has provided me valuable insight into what happens when we do this-or-that to our bodies. This experience combined with scientific literature and proven methodology distinguishes me from many other trainers. Additionally, I can motivate anyone to do the hard but right and necessary things, which, is key for coaches. The bottom line is that Warrior-X PT is a fail-proof - “no bullsh*t” solution. It’s just showing up, and if that happens, the results you’re looking for will follow!


With Warrior-X PT, you can expect a sincere, knowledgeable coach who genuinely wants you to succeed. Training sessions will be demanding, but fun, never boring, always safe, and of course, beneficial to your goal/s. With Warrior-X PT  you'll not be going at it alone. You can do it, and you will succeed! We're here for you.


Contact Warrior-X PT for any questions.

Very Sincerely, 

Ed Meek, Warrior-X PT 

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